Weddings are one of the most festive events in our culture. We go out of our way to arrange everything needed for this most important event in our life. But it creates a lot of stress and frustrations to everybody responsible for arranging the wedding. Everything has to happen on time, without any glitches and failures. From selecting a venue, arranging foods, decorations, photographer and entertainment to buying gifts, renting cars everything is equally important. You have to start very early to arrange all of the services flawlessly upto the wedding day. There are thousands of vendors and service providers out there but are they reliable? Is there a way to know if the vendors you are hiring have a good reputation? Can you see some of the works of the photographer before hiring him/her? Does the caterer have a good reputation for providing great food? Most of the time you have to go to your relatives, friends and colleagues for suggestions, references etc. That's where makes a huge difference. brings many wedding vendors and service providers in front of you in an easy to find way. All of our vendors are curated, hand picked, verified and very respectful while communicating with us. That was a litmus test of how they will communicate with you as a service provider. Vendors listed in our site range from small and medium size vendors with a lot of enthusiasm and modern knowledge and visions as well as some well established ones who have built their reputations over the years with their flawless service.

Should you go to big guys for what you need?

There are very good service providers who have acquired wonderful reputation over the years with their unmatched services. But they are very expensive and not easy to get a schedule of. 

If budget is not an issue and you have sufficient time in hand before the wedding then you can always go to the most reputable wedding vendors and service providers. You will find many of them in web site. This takes away a lot of stress knowing that you are in good hands. For many people this works. But if you want to arrange a wedding event within a tight budget but also want to make sure that everything is run professionally and nicely then you should shop around. 

Can the small vendors help you arrange your wedding in a professional and cost effective way?

You can find newer service providers who are giving their best efforts to make the customer happy and earn a good reputation. But where would you find them? How do you know who is good and who is not so professional? It's true that their prices are more competitive but will it be worth the expense? is here to help you to access our hand picked vendors to help you arrange the most important event of your life in a professional and most satisfactory way.

More competition and available choices make everything more affordable and a win-win situation for the clients.

World wide trend is that small vendors are disrupting big businesses by providing affordable and quality service and goods. has the vision to bring that revolution to the wedding industry in Bangladesh.

How small vendors can benefit from

Our website is a no bias and honest web site where we do not promote any particular vendor with money. We do not have tiers of plans for vendors like platinum, gold or silver plan to how they will be presented on our site. From small to large vendors and services everybody is in the same tier and pays the same small price for being listed in our site. They are promoted based on the reviews from clients, how fast they respond to the clients’ calls etc. 

Our focus and how we are different from others

  • We have much more detail and up to date information for each vendor. We call our vendors, get updates and keep our site up to date.

  • There is always a person behind a number that we publish on our site. We just do not google and pick up information from the internet to publish on our site. 

  • Unlike other sites that list thousands of vendors with flashy pictures but with wrong and outdated information, our site is always up to date.

  • We validate the phone number, address and the contact person. 

  • We gather details about their business and put it on our site. None of the information here is made up, none of the photos are taken from the internet. These are voluntarily supplied by the vendors we list.

  • Our web site is not flashy but full of useful and accurate information which is updated from time to time.

  • Vendors listed on our site compete for your satisfaction and review. At the end you get excellent service at an affordable price. 

  • You can compare vendors side by side to quickly make a decision on which one you like to call.

  • is an international company. Our founders are committed to providing world class service. 

Vendor reviews

We do not promote any particular vendor. The vendors promote themselves by working hard to acquire your satisfaction so that you can write a great review for them. That review helps others like you to choose the right vendor when they need one.